Leadership and Crime: Siamese Twins in Africa


  • Publisher Frisky Larr

Leadership and Crime: Siamese Twins in Africa” is a work that examines the festering woes of Black Africa in the quality of leadership it has had across-the-board since the departure of European colonizers from its individual countries.

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Leadership and Crime: Siamese Twins in Africa” is a work that examines the festering woes of Black Africa in the quality of leadership it has had across-the-board since the departure of European colonizers from its individual countries. Using Nigeria – the country with the highest population and the largest economy on the continent – as a case study, it identifies the respective areas of leadership failure by indigenous leader but not without highlighting the self-serving groundwork laid by departing colonizers to safeguard long-term strategic interests with zero thought of the future of the indigenes. The resultant impact of conflicts, dictatorship, and self-enrichment to the detriment of the vast, suffering masses is clearly showcased in this sober, matter-of-fact presentation.